The government has now included further details of this new option in its draft budget for 2025, which it submitted to the European Commission this month.
The bill outlines a new path that will allow foreign investors to obtain a residency permit by investing €250,000 in startups registered in the National Startup Registry (Elevate Greece).
According to the bill, investors must meet three key requirements:
- Limit their equity participation to a maximum of 33% of the company’s capital or voting rights
- Create at least two new jobs within the first year after the investment
- Maintain this increased staffing level for at least five years after the investment
Contrary to recent media reports that the government plans to cut investment opportunities in the real estate sector, the official budget document confirms that the new law only envisages an expansion of the investment opportunities already in place.
The draft law states: “The Golden Visa program will be reformed from 2025 to attract more productive investments. Specifically, a Golden Visa will also be granted for investments of at least 250,000 euros in startups.”
“We expect the government to implement this option as soon as possible, probably by the end of January,” notes GCI UNIT Worldwide.”
This planned addition follows the adjustments to the program’s real estate investment thresholds in September 2024, which established:
- A minimum investment requirement of €800,000 for prime locations, including Attica, Thessaloniki, Mykonos, Santorini and islands with more than 3,100 inhabitants
- A threshold of €400,000 for all other regions
- Two investment opportunities of €250,000 each for the conversion of commercial properties to residential use and the refurbishment of listed buildings
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Are you worried about your financial future and the security of your family in an uncertain world? Do you want to protect your family and ensure that your children grow up in a safe environment, away from war zones and the risk of conscription?
We offer comprehensive solutions for your individual needs. From tax optimization to asset protection to planning your emigration – together we will find the best path for you.
Topics such as tax-friendly countries, residence permits, citizenships and company formation are our specialties.
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