Be part of an exclusive and exciting Citizenship by Investment (CBI) opportunity. Citizenship News Program Grenada makes it possible for those who invest in Grenada’s economy or real estate development to gain citizenship to live or work in this beautiful Caribbean country. The island state of Grenada is located in the southeast Caribbean Sea, northwest of Trinidad and Tobago, northeast of Venezuela and southwest of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. It is also known as the “Spice Island “, having large export production quantities of nutmeg and maize. The climate is tropical: hot and humid in the rainy season and cooled by the trade winds in the dry season. The Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program  was developed with families in mind, and offers one of the most affordable options for parents choosing to apply with their children.

The Citizenship by Investment Programme came into being in August 2013, when the Grenadian Parliament passed Act No. 15 of 2013, otherwise referred to as the ‘Grenada Citizenship by Investment Act, 2013.’ The stated objective of the Act is to “enable persons to acquire permanent residence and citizenship of Grenada by registration following investment in Grenada.” To apply for the Citizenship Program Grenada the applicant has to make a significant economic contribution to the country, or to acquire a government approved qualifying asset. In exchange, and subject to a stringent vetting and due diligence process, including thorough background checks, the applicants and their families will be granted citizenship. We will guide you through the whole submitting process for the Citizenship Program Grenada.


Grenada Citizenship by Investment Options: the first option is that the investment takes the form of a donation to the Grenada’s National Transformation Fund (NTF) and the second option is an investment in pre-designated real estate projects. The cost varies according to the number of family members included in the application. The highly reputable Citizenship by Investment Programme in Grenada invites investors of good character to make an economic contribution to Grenada and in exchange, the applicant and their family are eligible to obtain full citizenship of the country, within the strict guidelines of the law. Furthermore, deprivation of citizenship will occur where such registration as a citizen was obtained by false representation or fraud or wilful concealment of material facts or the person has been convicted in Grenada of an act of treason or sedition.


To apply for Citizenship Program Grenada applicants must be at least 18 years of age, be of a good character with no criminal record, and have good health. An applicant may apply together with his or her spouse and dependent children, and, in some cases, dependant elderly parents or grandparents.

The process of applying for citizenship in Grenada is rigorous and requires diligent preparation in order to gather all the information needed. Application timelines can vary and be difficult to predict, although they usually depend on how easily an applicant can access the required documentation, as well as the complexity of the application as a whole.

The process may be simplified into the following steps:

Application preparation and pre-approval by GCI – Global Citizenship Investment

Submission of the application to the Government of Grenada

Citizenship certificate issued.

Passport application and issuance.

Approval in principle

Investment in a business, purchase of real estate, or donation to the EDF.

Furthermore our consultants will guide you through the whole submitting process for the Citizenship Program Grenada.

Steps to follow


The steps are mainly simple, particularly after signing service agreement, we will proceed as follows:

Step A

We will start pre-screening procedure to determine your eligibility.

Step B

Once pre-screening is done, you will have assigned a Client Service Manager who will guide you through selecting process for the most appropriate and in your benefit investment option.

Step C

The designated Client Service Manager will collect all needed documents and submit the application to the Government.

Step D

Once your application is approved, you will have to submit the payment for all fees and amounts.

After all the above steps, we will collect the Citizenship Certificate and passport and deliver it to you in the most secure way.

The process may be simplified into the following steps:

  • Application preparation and pre-approval by GCI – Global Citizenship Investment
  • Submission of the application to the Government of Grenada
  • Government processing of the application and due diligence checks, taking at most 3 months for completion.
  • Approval in principle.
  • Investment in a business, purchase of real estate, or donation to the EDF.
  • Citizenship certificate issued.
  • Passport application and issuance.

The documentation that you require is as follows:

  • Main Application Form
  • Application Checklist
  • Citizenship or Permanent Residence by Investment in Grenada
  • Birth and Adoption Record
  • Application for Family Members
  • Affidavit of Support for Dependants Over Age 18
  • Verification of Support of Dependants Over Age 18
  • Statement of Source of Funds
  • Medical Health Certification
  • Electronic Signature Registration
  • Criminal Record Verification
  • Application Form for Approved Project


We suggest the Citizenship Program Grenada will offer our customers a lot of benefits.

  • Citizenship for life, with the right to live and work in the country
  • The time frame of processing application is within 3 months
  • Visa-free travel to 144 countries and territories, including the Schengen Area (EU), the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, and Singapore
  • No interview and no mandatory travel is required during application process
  • Tax free on worldwide income
  • Dual citizenship is permitted
  • No restriction on the repatriation of profits and imported capital
  • Life in an economically, legally, and socially stable country that belongs to the Commonwealth of Nations, and whose political system is based on the British parliamentary system
  • Life in a tropical paradise, with appealing lifestyle and retirement options
  • Low residency requirement
  • No minimum level of English requirement
  • No previous education or management experience requirement
  • The chance to apply for a United States E2 Visa for entrepreneurial activity

Individuals who obtain citizenship through Grenada’s Citizenship by Investment Programme are entitled to the same rights as any other Grenadian citizen. These include the right to live and work in Grenada at all times, and all the rights associated with membership of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Grenada has no foreign income, wealth, gift, inheritance, or capital gains tax. There is no restriction on the repatriation of profits and imported capital. Generous incentive packages exist including corporate tax incentives, full exemption from import duties, tax relief benefits, and export allowance.

Grenada offers its citizens social and political security, reinforced by its membership in the United Nations and the Commonwealth of Nations. Grenada’s local community is culturally vibrant, vivacious, and extremely friendly. Grenada has a long history, and locals are proud of their national heritage, which they celebrate throughout the year. Finally, Grenada is the perfect setting for both adventure and relaxation: its wildlife attractions, marine life, and national parks make it an exciting place to explore, while its super-yacht marina and pastel towns make it ideal for strolling and unwinding.


The Grenadian passport is issued to citizens of Grenada for international travel. When issued, the Grenadian passport is normally valid for five years. New applicants are issued with a Caribbean Community Grenada Passport. In January 2017, Grenadian citizens had visa-free or visa on arrival access to 144 countries and territories, ranking the Grenadian passport 33rd in terms of travel freedom according to the Henley visa restrictions index. Passport holders may travel to Hong Kong, Singapore, the UK and Europe, among others, with relative ease and without challenging visa requirements. Grenada signed a mutual visa waiver agreement with Schengen Area countries.


1. Contribution to The National Transformation Fund (NTF):

Applicants for the Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program must make a non-refundable donation to the NTF, with minimum contributions starting at USD 235,000 for Single Applicant or Family of four.

Additional dependents – US$25,000/$50,000

Sibling – US$75,000

Schedule of Fees for single applicant:
    • 235,000 USD = Donation include Government Fee
    • 5,000 USD = Main Applicant Government due diligence Fees
    • 5,000 USD = for spouce and Kids due diligence Fees
    • 1,500 USD = for each Member Government Application Fee
    • 1,500 USD = for each Member Government Processing Fee
    • 400 USD = for each Member Passport Fee
    • + Professional & Lawyer Fee

2. Real Estate Investment

A minimum of USD 270,000 must invest in pre-approved real estate. Applicants must maintain the property for at least three years after acquiring Grenadian citizenship. Currently, the vast majority of approved project consists of real estate developments on the island of Grenada. These include luxury hotels, resorts, and villas

Schedule of Fees for single applicant:
  • 270,000 USD = min. Real Estate Investment +
  • 50,000 USD = Government Fees
  • 25,000 USD up to the fourth member each more plus Government Fees
  • 10,000 USD = Share Registration Fee
  • 15,000 USD = Main Applicant Government due diligence Fees
  • 20,000 USD = Project administration Fee
  • 400 USD = for each Member Passport Fee
  • + Professional & Lawyer Fee

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