The ONE Pass has been available since 1 January 2023, is a personalized five-year work permit that allows the holder to set up, manage and work for multiple companies in Singapore simultaneously.

Unlike the EP, the One Pass of Singapore is attached to the individual and not to the employing company (this means that the holder does not have to re-apply if the employer changes and does not have to prove employment in Singapore prior to applying for the visa (if the overseas income requirement is met).

What are the requirements for obtaining the ONE Pass Singapore?

There are two separate ways to apply for the ONE Pass.

  1. Salary qualification for One Pass Singapore

Applicants who are already in Singapore will need to earn a minimum monthly salary of at least SGD 30,000 in the year prior to application or demonstrate that they will earn this minimum salary in their future employment in Singapore.

Applicants outside Singapore will also need to demonstrate that they have worked in the year preceding their application in a company that qualifies as established. An established company qualifies if it has a market capitalization of at least USD 500M or annual revenues of at least USD 200M for a period of at least one year prior to the application.


  1. Outstanding achievers

In addition, it should be noted that persons officially recognized for their outstanding achievements in the fields of arts and culture, sports, science and technology, and research and academia may be exempt from the salary requirement for the application of the ONE Pass Singapore. Further explanations are released by the MOM along the year 2023.


What are the benefits of the ONE Pass?

Increased visa validity duration: 5 years renewable for 5 years each time.

Significant flexibility to start and manage an activity and/or to work for different companies at the same time.

Simplification of MOM procedures as it is no longer necessary to re-apply when changing employers.

Access to Singaporean employment will be facilitated for the spouse of a ONE Pass holder who will be able to work under a Letter of Consent.

Can spouses of a ONE Pass work in Singapore?


Dependant Pass of spouses applied under the ONE Pass Singapore will be eligible to obtain a Letter of Consent (LOC) from the Ministry of Manpower and allowed to work in Singapore. For Spouses, the Dependant Pass will also be valid for the remaining duration of the ONE pass validity. This means that the DP under the ONE pass in Singapore could be valid for up to 5 years and will require fewer renewals.

For several individuals, the ONE pass will also be an opportunity for spouses to live and work in Singapore under the LOC that is specifically facilitated for ONE Pass’ dependants.

It is also possible for DP holders to work either with:

  • A work permit (provided the hiring company has sufficient quota)
  • A self-owned business (with at least 30% shareholding and directorship)
  • Apply for their own pass, either the S Pass of the Employment Pass.

Which structure can allow a DP to work under ONE Pass in Singapore?

A Spouse (Dependant Pass holder) of a ONE Pass holder can work in Singapore easily by following this process:

  • Obtain the ONE Pass
  • Request for a Dependent Pass as a Spouse
  • Create a business entity of which the ONE Pass holder is the shareholder and director
  • Hire the Spouse (under Dependant Pass) under the business entity


We help you with the Application with our Team

+382 69 150 130   Montenegro
+66 99091 8357    Worldwide WhatsApp/Viber/Signal/LINE

Email: [email protected]


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We help you with the Application with our Team

Department GCI – Unit Global Citizenship Investment (GCI worldwide)
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+382 69 150 130 Montenegro
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