Slovenia, is a country in Central Europe at the crossroads of the most important European culture and trade routes. It borders Italy in the west, Austria in the north, Hungary in the northeast, Croatia in the southeast and the Adriatic in the southwest. About this sound Slovenia stretches over 20,273 square kilometers and has a population of 2,084 million. As one of the successor states of the former Yugoslavia, Slovenia is now a parliamentary republic and a member state of the European Union, the United Nations and NATO. The capital and largest city is Ljubljana. The country, which is characterized by significant biodiversity, is one of the most water-rich in Europe with a dense network of rivers, a rich aquifer system and significant underground karst watercourses. Over half of the area is covered by forest. Human settlement in Slovenia is scattered and uneven. Historically, Slovenia was the hub of Slavic, Germanic and Romance languages ​​and cultures. Although the population is not entirely homogeneous, the Slovenes form the majority. Acquisition of citizenship through naturalisation. Visa free travel in 180 Countries include, Australia, Canada, America, Europe, UK and UAE

Three ways to get the Slovenia Citizenship

The ways of immigration to this country are the following:

  • Repatriation: obtaining citizenship for the descendants of the residents who lived or were born on the territory of the former Yugoslavia before June 25, 1991;

  • Naturalization (when it is beneficial to the state): granting citizenship for scientific, economic, cultural, national or similarly important reasons; 

  • Naturalization by obtaining either a residence permit, or permanent residence: continued living on the territory of the country and the subsequent acquisition of citizenship, providing (as a basis for the application) the registration of a legal entity, or work under an employment contract, getting an education, marriage or family reunification with a citizen of Slovenia.

Economic Citizenship Slovenia

Article 13

Notwithstanding the conditions under Article 10 of the present Act a person over 18 years of age may obtain citizenship of the Republic of Slovenia through naturalisation if this is to the benefit of the state for scientific, economic, cultural, national or similar reasons.

The existence of reasons from the preceding paragraph shall be preliminarily stated by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of the opinion of the authorised ministerial office and the Government may at the same time demand the fulfilment of one or more conditions from the first paragraph of Article 10 hereof.

Slovenian citizenship by repatriation

However, the repatriation (citizenship by descent) is the quickest method to gain Slovenian passport currently. This path is based on elements of the Slovenian citizenship laws, making the process quicker and more transparent for those eligible. The foreigner must provide evidence that either his direct relative (one of the parents, grandparents or great-grandparents) is (or was) of Slovenian nationality, or the applicant has been adopted by a Slovenian citizen under the conditions of full adoption. No language requirements, no obligation to relinquish one’s current nationality.
Article 12 of Slovenian Citizenship Act provides for the restoring of citizenship to persons born or living in the territory of Slovenia as well as to their descendants up to the 4th generation!:

12. člen
„Pristojni organ lahko, če je to v skladu z nacionalnim interesom, po prostem preudarku sprejme v državljanstvo Republike Slovenije slovenskega izseljenca in njegovega potomca do četrtega kolena v ravni črti, če dejansko joživi v slošd letat Republik, prostem preudarku sprejme v državljanstvo Republike Slovenije če ima urejen status tujca in če izpolnjuje pogoje iz 1., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9. in 10. točke prvega odstavka 10. člena tega zakona.“

As a dedicated team of immigration lawyers, we guarantee the confidentiality and protection of personal data, as well as assisting you with:

  • Consultation on the relevant requirements;
  • Obtaining documentation proving your Slovenian origin;

  • Collection, clarifying, and assembling of necessary paperwork;

  • Requests for the archive research on your behalf;

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